Michael Hoey

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Durante varios años, Michael Hoey ha dado continuidad a su estudio que aborda no solo el movimiento del cuerpo, sino las formas y actitudes del ser humano. Perspectivas inesperadas y paisajes surrealistas sumergen a la audiencia en las pinturas. Colores intensos y tonos contrastantes perturban el equilibrio compositivo y crean inquietudes.


Su trabajo está dedicado a restaurar la belleza humana a su lugar legitimo como obra de arte fino. Sus pinturas le han permitido ser parte de un movimiento para sanar la forma en que el ser humano experimenta su propia imagen corporal, al trabajar con sensibilidad y respeto, con hombres y mujeres de todas las edades, con diferentes capacidades y estilos de vida. 


La amplia gama de intereses y experiencias de vida como Investigador Forense, Capitán de Bomberos, diseñador de muebles, muralista y pintor, han creado una especie de hombre renacentista moderno. Sus aptitudes y áreas de conocimiento se reflejan e incorporan en su arte.


Michael Hoey es originario de Bozeman, Montana. Ha trabajado en diferentes técnicas como la cerámica, el grabado, la pintura, la pirotecnia y pintura con materiales empleados en pirotecnia, pastel, encáustica, óleo, dibujo, aguafuerte, mono tipo, fotografía y escultura.


Asistió a la Universidad Estatal de Montana, estudiando con Maestros como John Bashor, Rick Pope, Fran Noel y Michael Peed.


Estuvo como director de la Galería Exit de la misma universidad y pintó el mural más grande del Estado de Montana, llamado el "Centennial Mural" que se inauguró durante la celebración del Centenario de la ciudad de Bozeman.


Sus obras son parte de colecciones privadas y públicas en Estados Unidos y México. Ha participado en diversas exposiciones individuales y colectivas en su país de origen, mientras que, en México, de 2016 a la fecha, ha exhibido sus obras en exposiciones individuales, así como en galerías propias que ha abierto por temporadas.


A través del arte, con la subasta y donación de la venta de algunas de sus obras, ha podido contribuir en México, a que algunos estudiantes puedan concluir sus estudios. También ha sido creador y promotor de eventos de arte infantil, teniendo como objetivo principal, compartir con las familias la importancia de apoyar a los niños para el desarrollo de sus talentos y capacidades.




For several years, Michael Hoey has continued his study that addresses not only the movement of the body, but the forms and attitudes of the human being. Unexpected perspectives and surreal landscapes immerse the audience in the paintings.


Intense colors and contrasting tones disturb the compositional balance and create unease. His work is dedicated to reinforcing human beauty to its rightful place as a work of fine art. His paintings have allowed him to be part of a movement to heal the way in which human beings experience their own body image, working with sensitivity and respect, with men and women of all ages, with different capacities and lifestyles.


Michael’s wide range of interests and life experiences as a Forensic Investigator, Fire Captain, furniture designer, muralist, and artist have created a kind of modern Renaissance man. His many skills and areas of knowledge are reflected and incorporated into his art.


Michael Hoey is a native of Bozeman, Montana, U.S.A. He has worked making art in many different techniques such as ceramics, engraving, painting, fireworks and painting with explosive chemicals used in fireworks, pastels, encaustics, oil, drawing, etching, monotype, photography and sculpture.


He attended Montana State University, studying with Masters such as John Bashor, Rick Pope, Fran Noel, and Michael Peed.


He was director of the Exit Gallery at M.S.U.and painted the largest mural in the State of Montana, called the "Centennial Mural." The mural (also known as the “Valley of Flowers”) was inaugurated during the Centennial celebration of the city of Bozeman in 1984.


His works are part of private and public collections in the United States and Mexico.

He has participated in various individual and group exhibitions in his country of origin.While in Mexico, from 2016 to date, he has exhibited his works in several individual exhibitions, as well as in his own art galleries.


Through his donated works ofart provided to auctions that support children’s education and with the proceeds of his sold art works, he has been able to generously contribute in the betterment of Mexico and its children, because of him, many Mexican students are able to finish their studies. He has also promoted children's art events with the objective of helping parents and families develop the talents and abilities of their children in the arts.





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